It was a cloudy morning today and we expected showers very soon. Well, there were showers as expected, and showers that were not expected as well. I’m sorry for beating around the bush, but I’m yet to come to terms with what exactly transpired between Swami and students this evening.
As you would know, the All
And so did the Arjunas march into Kurukshetra. I asked some of them after the exam about their performance. Most of them replied that it was tough, they couldn’t attempt all questions. Rest is history of course, but the aftermath witnessed today is a big mystery.
The GATE rankers (30 of them) sat in the bhajan hall for blessings. Swami arrived in chair and made a few rounds before entering the mandir, where the bhajans had already begun.
A teacher approached Him and mentioned about the rankers. Swami was extremely happy.
He asked one boy, “What do you wish to do in future?”
The boy: “Swami, I want to study MTech”.
Swami: “Santosham (very happy)”.
The teacher said,” Swami, these boys scored well inspite of a hectic schedule and secured All
Swami gave an astonished look, “All
The boys: “Swami, it is all due to Your grace”.
Swami : “No, it is your hardwork.”
He then told all of them to sit outside and came down to the portico. A mother was waiting to celebrate the success of Her children, and she wanted the entire gathering of devotees to know about it.
The Vice Chancellor announced the results to the large audience, as per His command. Swami called the 2nd ranker and spoke to Him. As the boy replied to His answers, tears of joy swelled in His eyes. He called the Vice Chancellor and said, “Tell the people that Physics exam is extremely tough, yet our boys succeeded.” The VC promptly did so. Swami materialized a chain for the boy and patted his cheeks. Later, He called all others to the portico for group photographs. Swami gave watches to all the boys.
One student who secured 7th rank in biosciences spoke to the gathering, thanking Swami for His love and grace. After the brief talk, he went to Swami and asked, “Are you happy?”
Swami: “very happy”.
The boy: “Swami I want to do PhD. Please be with me wherever I go.”
Swami: “With you? I am in you, around you, above and below you.”
Boys: “Swami please come to hostel. It’s been 5 years since you came.”
Swami: “ Without fail, I shall come. I will tell the date, time and come. Promise.”
And then came Prof Anil Kumar, who spiced things up for the evening. Swami knows it well, and He likes him for that. He asked the Prof to announce that
Swami: “Where are the medicine boys?”
The Bioscience boys went forward. He asked them as to which place did they hail from. He asked some others, “what are your plans after MSc?”
A student: “Swami, I want to do PhD.”
Swami: “Where do you want to study?”
Student: “Swami, wherever you say.”
Swami smiled and said, “Do wherever you feel comfortable”
Later, the boys told Swami to bless our warden as today is his birthday. Swami called for him. Our warden is a favourite of everyone, right from students to teachers, and Swami. He took Swami’s blessings, when Prof Anil Kumar came in and forced him to go closer and take padanamaskar. He said, “Swami, he is physics lecturer. Today is his birthday.” Well, all had their share of fun today.
50 minutes of overflowing love. Even the rains participated in celebrating the occasion. It is indeed a proud moment for us, to be part of this hallowed institute. With grace comes a responsibility, a task of collecting this overflowing love in the vessels of our hearts and filling other empty vessels that thirst for the love of God. May the Lord with His Akshaya Patra bless this endeavour and sanctify our purpose on earth.
1 comment:
sai ram, amazing article, it brought tears to my eyes. I must add that these boys refused to go collect their reward at the official ceremony of the all india exam, and they spent that time in parthi with swami!
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