Friday, August 17, 2007


August 15, 2007

The morning of 15th was a very quiet affair as Swami spent most of the time in interview room. We did not expect much from the afternoon darshan as well . First of all , the mood was off as our drama was cancelled. So,we were busy preparing for the evening programme in hostel. But Swami always likes to surprise us so much.

He came in the afternoon at 3.30 pm and asked for the programme to begin. The list was so long that we wondered when the session would get over. There were 3 elderly speakers for the afternoon. This would be followed by a music programme by the institute boys (it was a consolation that Swami gave for not having the drama). This would then be followed by a drama by the youth from West Bengal (imagine how jealous would we feel). But then, guests should be given priority at home, isn’t it?

The speakers spoke of Swarajya and such other concepts. After that, the music boys came forward and sat for the programme. But our Lord was in a different mood. He asked for the mikes to be called, got up and began to speak!

I have rarely seen and heard anything like that.He straight away began with the story of Subhash Chandra Bose. Swami was completely in tears while he spoke of him. He didn’t even give Anil Kumar a chance to translate! I have noted down a few thoughts in the next post which were summarized and translated by Anil Kumar after Swami’s discourse.

After the discourse, there was music programme where patriotic songs were sung by our boys. When, the boys sang Vande Mataram, Swami too joined them! The youth from Bengal were waving flags during the songs. Swami notice them and became emotional.

Later on, the Bengal youth presented a drama. Swami liked it very much and gave vibhuti to a few actors. All of them got group photographs as Swami stood up in their midst.

It’s truly amazing to see the love that Swami is showering on the youth these days. And I’m sure it’s just the beginning. Sai Ram

1 comment:

Roshni Rai said...

Sai Ram Kiran,
Your blogs are very interesting as usual. And the blog of 14th and 15th August 2007 are more interesting for me because I was also there in Prasanti Nilayam. As I have already told you that Swami never disappoints anybody when you asked me to pray for you to be able to present your (final batch students) drama. I prayed for you and the youths of west Bengal( being a youth of W. Bengal myself). And see swami listened to both my prayers. Main aim of you( students) and youths from W.Bengal were to perform in front of swami. Though you cannot perform on 15th August but you could perform on 14th August in front of Swami. You should be happy for that.
The choreographer of the Drama presented by the W.Bengal youths has come to Prashanti for the first time. He was not regular to Sai Samiti also. The Drama was written on 24th July 2007 and just for 10 days they have practiced. On 14th August 2007, during the lecture when all India President of sri satya sai organisation said that swami asked the final batch students to cancel the drama, which they were supposed to present on 15th August,I really felt bad for you. But after reading your blog I came to know though you could not perform on 15th August but you had perform in front of swami on 14th August. I am really happy for you. Thanks for the prasad, which swami gave me through you.