Monday, July 30, 2007

Youth Conference discourse 2

July 28, 2007

During the valedictory session of the conference, Swami was gracious enough to speak to us in the evening. here are some of the points.

Swami began His discourse with a poem on truth as the basis of everything. Soon, He waved His hand and Lo! a big oval shaped silver lingam came out. Swami showed it to all and said "this is truth"

Truth is the basis
  • Lingam is the pure truth "Shuddha Satwam". All beings have taken birth from this truth. This truth is in the possesion of Swami only.
  • Hold on to truth forever. establish it in your heart.
  • What is "Sathya Sai"? Sathya which has originated from Sai
  • Reflection, reaction and resound of this truth comes in the form of Dharma.
True Education
  • True education is truth. Truth, righteousness and peace have no name or form.
  • Man has highest potential. So he should develop and bring out the 5 human values latent in him
  • You are God , not a human. You must constantly think so "Yad bhavam tad bhavati". Bad thoughts lead to bad results
  • Selfish, fragmented love makes you sick and weak . So love all and serve all

  • You spend lives worshipping idols in temples. Body is a temple. Within this body, there's energy. We must use our discrimination with this energy. Divinity is present in all. You are not energy or the body. I am I
  • ABC "Always be careful (do not forget yourself)
  • Everyone here is divine. God is Virata swaroopa "cosmic form". this assembly is a cosmic form.
  • You are not different from Swami. I and You are one. Strengthen love and remove this duality.
  • Fruit (love) must ripen in the heart and then tasted before it is shared with others.
  • God is the only hero (1). all others are zeros(o). without 1, there is no value for 0.
  • Mind is not monkey mind, but mankind. it is divine.
  • Mind spreads light and joy, is the cause of all worries and problems.
  • Mind changes due to company ( of friends, food). Satsangatwe nissangatwam...( verse from bhaja govindam telling importance of good company)
  • God is not mind, intellect or imagination. God is God. have this firm faith.
  • Think that you are Swami with steady mind and meditate.
  • Polluted water sickens body. This water pollution has a solution i.e. repeating God's name
  • Body is water bubble, mind is mad monkey. do not follow body or mind. Follow your conscience
  • Chittasuddhi "pure mind" leads to wisdom. Good thoughts and love are my property. Love is God, live in love
  • You are born with a pure mind. your sadhana is to see that it remains pure.
  • Meditate, keep mind steady for 11 seconds. Before the passing of 11th second, you can attain liberation.
  • Do not waste time and money. If you have time, think of God. He will appear before you. Concentrate deeply.
  • Where there's faith, there's love;where there's love , there's truth; where there's truth, there's God
  • Simply meditating for hours results in joint pains. So do not strain unnecessarily and do not trespass the limit of 11 seconds. Maintain time
  • Have good dietary habits. avoid non-veg food. You like cheese. More cheese makes you more weak. too much milk is also bad. Milk and water should be 50:50
  • Bliss is your nature. Reduce attachments "less luggage more comfort makes travel a pleasure"
  • Worry is bad, curry is bad. they make heart weak. do not worry. think "this too shall pass"
  • if you follow Swami's words, you will experience God.

  • Devotion means steady love for God
  • Worldly association gives rise to demonic traits.
  • Once you laugh or smile, love manifests. Do not have caster oil face. God always smiles, so He has no pain anytime
  • Swami hurt His hipbone, had 4 cracks due to the fall. the doctors advised Him to wear bandage and take rest, but He refused it and went on to give darshan to devotees. eminent doctors came from all over the world and said "Swami give us 5 minutes and we'll cure the ailment". Swami replied "if it is for your spiritual upliftment, i'm ready to give you 5 hours, but if it is for this body, i won't give even 5 minutes."
  • Swami has no body weakness. He weighs a constant 110 pounds and is very healthy.Your love makes Swami painless. Only devotees, not the doctors can make Swami painless.
  • Swami's happy to see thousands of youth assembled here. their love makes Swami blissful. He sees waves of happiness (the youth) seated in front of Him.
  • Your love will make Swami walk very soon. There's no greater medicine than pure loveBhagawan's love is the most powerful medicine. By the time you go back home, you'll be very blissful.
  • You can see this lingam (showing the lingam he materialised before). Something bigger than this will come out from Swami's throat. but you must wait till Sivaratri.

The discourse was followed by a european music programme where songs were sung in many European languages.

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