Wednesday, January 2, 2008


As Swami asked for the mike to brought, an ex-student brother went up to Him and requested that Swami should speak to us while being seated as we didn’t want Him to strain Himself. Surprisingly, Swami agreed. Here are excerpts from the Divine discourse:

· In this world, nothing is permanent. All that you see around is ephemeral. In search of the permanent and ever lasting, there is only path. Bhagawad Gita explains this essence – Realising that God is in all, in you , above you, below you, around you.

· God pervades everything. Man doesn’t realize this and tries in vain to search around. As is the feeling, so you are. It’s a matter of “reflection, reaction and resound”

· Thousands have assembled here. But the same God resides in everyone’s hearts. It’s not the physical heart but the spiritual heart. You must study to become immortal. Today’s learning is secular, obtained from teacher. It is artificial and leads men to arguments. But you must look at the fundamental basis. Education is temporary, Educare is eternal. Educare resides in your heart. It can be brought forth by your efforts.

· Peace is within you. Love is also unseen, but resides in your heart. Similar is the case of non-violence and truth. Thus all these form Educare.

· Today, there’s lack of truth. That’s why people go to courts. Even there, you find untruth. Truth is eternal. As is your feeling towards others, so is their reaction towards you. Today, there are conflicts because of lack of truth. Here, you find peace everywhere. The love and peace you find here is not present anywhere else. Pray to God for these two in life.

· Students have come from various places. They did not find peace anywhere else except here. Love is the only property of Bhagawan. Keep smiling, do not put on a castor oil face. You should remain blissful at all times.

· Pleasure is an interval between two pains. You are not one but three; what you think you are, what others think you are and what you really are. What others think you are refers to duality. You may read Pustaka (books) but if your mastaka (head) is not proper, it’s useless. Thus, educare is essential. Good and bad are within you. Its manifestation is a result of reflection, reaction and resound in your mind.

· Students, you went around the world and came back here today. It is the good fortune given to you by Swami. How fortunate you are that after facing many difficulties, you have been able to come here with your families. If anyone asks you “where have you come from?” say “I’m from Prasanthi Nilayam”. Parthi follows you, it’s in you, around you wherever you go.

· Religions are different, God is one. Jewels are many, gold is one. Cows may be different, but the milk is of same colour. Similarly, there’s variety among us, but the bliss that we experience is the same. Therefore, pray for this bliss> do not have individual differences. They are temporary.

· This year, many physical changes will take place. But spiritually, there will be no change. There are conflicts, too many parties. Party has become “for tea”

· Do not hurt anybody. That’s the principle followed by Swami. this body is 83 years old. It has never put anybody to any inconvenience or difficulty. Swami is truth, truth is Swami. Love all. It’s very simple and easy. In fact, it’s difficult to have enemity. Love leads to equality, equality leads to unity, which leads to purity and finally leads to divinity.

· Relationships are sacred. You must not hit your wife, however angry you are. You can speak to her and solve the matter. You must all stand united. If you are united, you’ll experience Sai everywhere. Bhagawan is yours. All of you belong to him. Always speak the truth.

· (Swami narrated an incident about a lady in Bangalore who won a court case because she adhered to truth) If you speak truth, you get marks. If you speak untruth, you get (bad) remarks.

· From hotels to courts, there are conflicts everywhere. There’s selfishness and self interest today. All Sathya Sai students should lead ideal lives. When society praises our students, it makes Swami happy. Swami blesses that you should get a good name. Do not forget to chant Lord’s name. Strengthen your faith.

Swami concluded the discourse with the bhajan “Hari Bhajan bina sukh shanthi nahin..”

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